What is applicationof Metal 3D print?

What is applicationof Metal 3D print?

  • Categories:Product analysis
  • Author:Tianhong laser
  • Origin:Tianhong laser
  • Time of issue:2024-07-17 10:04
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(Summary description)What is applicationof Metal 3D print? 1、Aerospace and Defense industry 2、Medical industry 3、Auto industry 4、Consumer electronics

What is applicationof Metal 3D print?

(Summary description)What is applicationof Metal 3D print?
1、Aerospace and Defense industry
2、Medical industry
3、Auto industry
4、Consumer electronics

  • Categories:Product analysis
  • Author:Tianhong laser
  • Origin:Tianhong laser
  • Time of issue:2024-07-17 10:04
  • Views:

What is applicationof Metal 3D print?

1Aerospace and Defense industry

According to Wohlers Associates data, the application share of global 3D printing in the aerospace and defense industries in 2021 will be 16.8% and 6.0% respectively, corresponding to a market share of $2.56 billion and $0.91 billion. The global aerospace 3D printing market size share increased from 14.7% to 16.8% in 2019-2021.

The application of metal 3D printing in the aerospace industry is mainly the direct manufacturing of fuselage structural parts, engine parts, etc., the performance testing of structural parts and components, and the repair of high-value perishable parts.

The advantages of 3D printing technology in aerospace parts manufacturing and research and development are mainly reflected in:

(1) Shorten the research and development cycle of new aerospace equipment and parts;

(2) Complex structural design can be realized;

(3) Meet the demand for light weighting, reduce stress concentration and increase service life;

4) Enhancing the strength and durability of parts and components for aerospace equipment;

5) Improve the utilization of materials and reduce manufacturing costs;

6) Additive manufacturing is the future market for manufacturing repair of equipment damage parts.

2Medical industry

According to Wohlers Associates, the global 3D printing market share in the medical industry will increase from 13.9% to 15.6% from 2019 to 2021, and the global 3D printing market share in the medical industry will be $2.38 billion in 2021.

According to the development of materials and biological properties, 3D printing in the medical field is divided into two categories: non-biological 3D printing and biological 3D printing. Compared with biological 3D printing, the principle of non-biological 3D printing is relatively simple, and the required materials are relatively easy to obtain, so it has been widely used in the medical industry. Most of the products of non-biological 3D printing are not biocompatible, and most of them can be categorized as medical devices, which are specifically applied in:

① Personalized prosthesis manufacturing is available in orthopedics, dentistry, plastic surgery and so on;

② Complex structure and difficult to process medical device products, including implants and non-implants, such as porous structure of the hip joint, simulation of the human body organs of the medical model.

3Auto industry

According to Wohlers Associates data, the global 3D printing market share in automotive industry has declined slightly from 16.4% to 14.6% in 2019-2021, and the global 3D printing market share in automotive industry is $2.23 billion in 2021.

The application of 3D printing technology in the automotive industry runs through the entire life cycle of automobiles, including research and development, production and use. In terms of the scope of application, the current application of 3D printing technology in the automotive industry is mainly focused on experimental models and functional prototyping in the R&D segment, and relatively few in the production and use. In the future, 3D printing technology in the automotive industry will still be widely used in prototype manufacturing. With the continuous development of 3D printing technology, car companies will improve the cognition of 3D printing and the automotive industry's own development needs. The application of 3D printing technology in the automotive industry will expand to the production and use of the link with a larger market space, and the application in the production of final parts and components, automotive maintenance, automotive modification, etc. will gradually improve.

4Consumer electronics

According to Wohlers Associates data, the global 3D printing market share in the consumer electronics industry accounted for a slight decline from 15.4% to 11.8% in 2019-2021, and the global 3D printing market share in the consumer electronics sector was $1.80 billion in 2021.

At present, the application of 3D printing in the consumers industry mainly focuses on product design and development. The consumers industry covers a wide range, mainly including cell phones, electronic products, computers, home appliances, tools and toys and other industries. Consumers industry has the characteristics of short product life cycle and rapid replacement, which requires continuous development and investment. With the advantages of 3D printing, the product development cycle can be shortened and the design cost can be cut down significantly. The existing 3D printing technology can realize the modeling of various complex designs, which gives designers more freedom and improves the level of product design significantly.

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