What is Metal 3D Print and How does it work

What is Metal 3D Print and How does it work

  • Categories:Product analysis
  • Author:Tianhong laser
  • Origin:Tianhong laser
  • Time of issue:2024-07-17 10:02
  • Views:

(Summary description)3D printing must be very well known, which is a rapid prototyping technology and adopt powdered metal or resin and other adhesive materials based on digital model design via the layer by layer “additive” printing to construct three-dimensional object technology. 

What is Metal 3D Print and How does it work

(Summary description)3D printing must be very well known, which is a rapid prototyping technology and adopt powdered metal or resin and other adhesive materials based on digital model design via the layer by layer “additive” printing to construct three-dimensional object technology. 

  • Categories:Product analysis
  • Author:Tianhong laser
  • Origin:Tianhong laser
  • Time of issue:2024-07-17 10:02
  • Views:

3D printing must be very well known, which is a rapid prototyping technology and adopt powdered metal or resin and other adhesive materials based on digital model design via the layer by layer “additive” printing to construct three-dimensional object technology. 

What is Metal 3D Print Technology

Additive manufacturing technology, also known as 3D printing (3D Printing), is a digital three-dimensional modeling as the basis for the integration of computer-aided design, material processing, material forming technology. Adopt metal materials, non-metallic materials and medical biomaterials, in accordance with the layer-by-layer, layer-by-layer manufacturing of the principle of discrete - stacking, which is a rapid preparation of complex shapes and shapes of the workpiece molding technology.

How does Metal 3D Print work

SLM laser selective zone melting metal 3D printing process principle

Laser selective zone melting metal 3D printing is based on the interaction between the high-energy laser beam and the metal powder, based on the three-dimensional data model of the fabricated part, the model is discretized into layer data through the layering software and input into the metal 3D printer. The system adopts the fiber laser with high power density and finely focused spot as the energy source, and the laser beam is controlled by the selective scanning path to quickly pre-spread metal powder in the constituency. The laser beam rapidly melts the pre-spread metal powder and obtains a continuous melt channel, which is stacked layer by layer to form a metal part.

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