Spring is full of Yangcheng Lake, Unity and Endeavor | Tianhong Laser 2024 Warm Spring Walking Activity Successfully Ended

Spring is full of Yangcheng Lake, Unity and Endeavor | Tianhong Laser 2024 Warm Spring Walking Activity Successfully Ended

  • Categories:Company news
  • Author:Tianhong laser
  • Origin:Tianhong laser
  • Time of issue:2024-04-28 14:23
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(Summary description)

Spring is full of Yangcheng Lake, Unity and Endeavor | Tianhong Laser 2024 Warm Spring Walking Activity Successfully Ended

(Summary description)

  • Categories:Company news
  • Author:Tianhong laser
  • Origin:Tianhong laser
  • Time of issue:2024-04-28 14:23
  • Views:

Spring breeze, everything is happy, it is a good day to go out to have fun! This is we Tianhong laser headquarters in Suzhou staff, but also with their families, together to the beauty of Yangcheng Lake legs scenic area, opened a unique group building trip!

Everyone dressed in lightweight sportswear, into the beautiful scenery of Yangcheng Lake, as if the whole person is lighter. As we walked, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way, breathed in the fresh air, and felt that the whole person was revitalized!

At the clay stove barbecue site, it was a pleasant environment with lush greenery. We all worked together to set up the clay stove, lighted the firewood and started to prepare the barbecue ingredients. Beside the clay stove, we grilled delicious meat skewers and vegetables together, enjoying the fun brought by the barbecue. The aroma of grilled meat filled the air and our laughter echoed in our ears. While savoring the food, we talked about our work and life, and improved our understanding and friendship with each other.

Of course, how can a group building be without games? We organized a series of fun games: "Retracing the Long March", "Fun Pot Throwing", "Finger Pressure Plate Rope Skipping", "Frisbee Game "The following are some of the games we played In "Retracing the Long March", everyone cooperated with each other and passed the ball! When it came to "Fun Pitcher", some people threw accurately, some people threw crookedly, and there was constant laughter. One of the most exciting is the "Finger Pressure Plate Jumping Rope", everyone is full of energy, want to challenge themselves. The latter "Frisbee game" even pushed the atmosphere to the climax, a good combination of teamwork and personal skills, everyone played a really addictive!

In this day of laughter, we shed the pressure of work and life, stretch each other's body and mind, and enjoy this happy moment.

In the laughter, our warm spring hiking activity came to an end. Through this group building activity, we strengthened the communication and exchange between employees, increased mutual understanding and trust, and then enhanced the team unity. A year's plan lies in spring, in this time of renewal, let's head for spring and meet new challenges with enthusiasm!

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